Meet our Instructors
My name is Alexandra and I am expert in communication and international relationship. I have an extended experience in project management, training of adults, school management and social dialogue.
I am Cornelia and it is a joy for me to be your trainer in this online course. I have a long experience in pedagogy, in educational management and institutional communication, in educational psychology and age psychology, training theory and methodology, evaluation theory and methodology, and in recent years I have specialized in teaching techniques adapted to children with SEN.
Hello everyone! My name is Ramona, I am a teacher and trainer and I am pleased to be your tutor during this course. I am convinced that my experience in pedagogy and psychology, as well as that gained in many years of practice in educating children with SEN, but also in school and class management will be useful for all those who take the modules of this introductory course in teaching techniques. for students with TSI.
Dear trainees, my name is Lucia Ionescu. I am a teacher and trainer, specialized in educational management, pedagogy and quality assurance in education, but also in teaching techniques for students with SEN. I am convinced that this course will help you to develop your skills in this field and you will support the efforts of those who want to implement the concept of inclusive school in Romania.
Dear students, teachers and parents, my name is Angela Ioan and I am the president of the Bucharest Association for Dyslexic Children. I am a parent who has faced the complex issue of dyslexia and the integration of students with SEN in the education system. My experience and knowledge gained in many years of practice in the field of specific learning disorders and in the management of communication between teachers, parents and students are available during this online course. We want to facilitate the integration of children with SEN and support teachers in their work in the classroom.
I’m Carmen Dragomir and I’m so happy that the Mind Maps brought us together. I have been a trainer, tutor of The Open University Business School and facilitator for more than 20 years. Since 2015 I am a trainer in Mind Mapping, being certified as TBLI (Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor) by Tony Buzan, the inventor of Mind Maps. It’s so much fun to teach and train with Mind Maps, and it’s much easier for students to learn that way.
Bio Carmen:
I was trained in the following areas: supervision, coaching, specific learning disorders (Meixner method, Sindelar method), developmental dysphasia, hearing impairment, autism, child psychodrama, art therapy, movement therapy, play therapy, positive psychotherapy, emotional communication with the child victim of abuse, video interaction training (VIT), relaxation – autogenic training, hypnosis, Snoezelen.
I have worked in various educational institutions and NGOs, with 25 years of experience with a wide range of children with SEN (specific learning disorders, stuttering, hearing impairment, mental impairment, autism, behavioral disorders, institutionalized children), children at risk, abused children), parents and teachers.
I will be happy to share my knowledges with you!
Born in Patras in 1970. She studied Classical Philology at the Aristotle University Thessaloniki (AUTh), and specialized in Linguistics. She did her Masters’ degree (M.Sc.) in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University College London, University of London.
She has been working for 22 years in Special Education settings, such as evaluation, assessment and support centres, special schools and integration departments of secondary education.
Founder and director of Centro F.A.R.E. , a Center for Developmental Neuropsychology, accredited from the National Health Service – Specialized Center for Dyslexia and learning and language difficulties – Special Educational Needs. Member of the National Board of Directors of the Italian Dyslexia Association 2005 – 2009, Secretariat of the Consensus Conference 2007. Collaborates with the Regional Educational Office in Umbria, with educational institutions, the Region of Umbria and the University of Perugia for the training of teachers, clinicians and families interested in school – family relationships, legislation, class management with a SpLD and BES students. She participated in the “Third International Conference on Concept Mapping” in Tallin – Estonia. Co-authoress of the publication “Asino chi non legge? Riconoscere e gestire i Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento” – Pearson Publishing
Classical high school diploma, degree in Medicine and Surgery, specialist in Pediatrics and Hygiene and Preventive Medicine with specialisation in School, formerly Associate Professor at Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UniMORE). From 2011 to date, she’s a Professor and coordinator of tutors at the UniMORE Disabled and Dyslexic Office, and also a member of the scientific committee of the annual conference UniMORE on SpLD. She was part of the commission of Italian Dyslexia Association in support of the enactment of Law 170/10 on SpLD and of the Panel for updating and reviewing the SpLD Consensus Conference – PARCC 2011. National Vice President of Italian Dyslexia Association from 2005 to 2009. Since 2004 she has been interested in conceptual and mental maps for learning. She has been a speaker at various conferences on SpLD, she carries out training on SpLD and Mapping in cooperation with educational institutions and public local entities.
Graduated in Communication Sciences, with specific expertise in Cognitive Sciences and Social Marketing, and qualified as Auditor of Quality Management Systems since 2007. For about 15 years, she has been involved in the design, management, and reporting of regional, national and European projects financed through European funds, in the field of social inclusion, professional training, adult learning, youth and social policies, local development. She currently works as a grant writer and project officer with particular reference to migrants’ integration and youth/adults at risk of social exclusion, inclusive didactics, gender policies and the definition of new professional profiles. She is currently managing the MAGIC SENS project on special need education in FORMA.Azione srl
I have over 30 years’ experience in education. I am a qualified teacher working in both mainstream and special schools. I have extensive experience of Teacher training both in the Republic and North of Ireland. I have managed a number of Special Education Support Services providing direct support to children. I have been involved in policy formulation for SEN with the Education Authority in Northern Ireland. I am currently Head of Education, Training and Policy for Dyslexia Association of Ireland.